Illustration Revelation |
Illustration Revelation
The new Illustration Revelation figure series revolves around the three-dimensional transformation of two-dimensional illustrations, with the fine details and captivating atmosphere of the works of talented illustrators reconstructed in 3D form by skilled sculptors, thus taking the charm and uniqueness of such original artworks to brand new heights. Enjoy a new hobby experience that provides a glimpse at the very core of figure creation with stunning 3D transformations of 2D art.

Bell of the Holy Night
Bell of the Holy Night
The third figure in the Illustration Revelation series is a stunning rendition of illustrator Rella's original character "Angel". The figure is based on an original illustration specially drawn for the Illustration Revelation series. All aspects of the Christmas-Eve-themed original illustration have been captured with meticulous attention and care. From the pure white angel's innocent expression to the intricate sculpting and paintwork of each feather and even the individual pleats of her outfit, we invite you to view and enjoy each detail of this awe-inspiring figure from every angle.

fuzichoco Art Book Saigenkyo
The Ghost Bride
The illustration, featuring a beautiful bride from realm beyond our own dressed in a luxurious kimono and surrounded by tanmono fabric draped from a tree, has been carefully captured in figure form. With an incredible level of detail from top to bottom, we invite you to view and enjoy this awe-inspiring figure from every angle.
Japanese Illustrator known for unique world building and vivid colors.

Tuyi Collaboration
Yueji Mingke
The various designs decorating the original illustration have been captured in figure form with the use of an acrylic panel behind the main figure. The use of transparent acrylic provides a brand new way of representing a 2D design in 3D space, making it appear as though floating in midair.
Chinese illustrator active mainly on social media.
More Coming Soon....
See the original illustration here.